Build a Modern Web Application

Module 2: Host Your Application On A Web Server

In this module you will create a new microservice hosted using AWS Fargate.

We chose Fargate here because it's a great choice for building long-running processes such as microservices backends for web and mobile and PaaS platforms.In addition to Fargate, customers also have the option of using AWS Lambda for their compute needs. While Lambda offers the same serverless benefits as Fargate, Lambda is great for data-driven applications that need to respond in real-time to changes in data, shifts in system state, or actions by users.

Module 2A: Setup Core Infrastructure

To create these resources, run the following command in the Cloud9 terminal

aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name MythicalMysfitsCoreStack --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM --template-body file://~/environment/aws-modern-application-workshop/module-2/cfn/core.yml

You can check on the status of your stack creation either via the AWS Console or by running the command:

aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name MythicalMysfitsCoreStack

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